Economic and Social Development Plan for the year 2019/2020

نوع الخطة: National Development Plan

البلد: Egypt

الجدول الزمني: -

لغة الوثيقة: Arabic

Sustainable Development Plan for the year 2019/2020

أبريل 2019

The 2019/2020  Sustainable Development Plan is the plan for the year 19/2020, which is the second year of the Medium Term Sustainable Development Plan 18/2019 - 21/2022. It also commits to the fundamental pillars of the Medium Term Sustainable Development Plan 18/2019 - 21/2022, which represents Egypt Vision 2030.

الركائز والأهداف

الركيزة: Economic Development
  • Achieving a high real GDP growth rate of 6% in the year 2019/2020 compared to an expected rate of 6.5% for the year 2018/2019
  • Real GDP per capita increased at a rate of about 7.3% in 2019/2020
  • Developing the absorptive capacity of the labor market to provide about 800-850 thousand job opportunities annually, and to allow reducing unemployment rates to about 5.9% in the year of the plan
  • Raising the saving rate to about 2.16% in 2019/2020 compared to 5.14% in 18/2019, and increasing the investment rate from about 3.17% of GDP in 2018/2019 to about 6.18% in 2019/2020
  • Increasing the net foreign direct investment expected in 18/2019, amounting to 2.9 billion dollars, to about 10 billion dollars in the second year of the plan 2019/2020
  • Developing non-oil merchandise exports with an average annual growth rate of more than 11% to rise to 23 billion dollars in 19/2020, and rationalizing import operations to gradually reduce merchandise imports to reach 69 billion dollars in the same year, with a growth rate of 3%
  • Reducing the trade deficit ratio of GDP steadily from 12.4% expected in 2018/2019 to 11.3% in the second year of the plan, bringing the deficit to around 38 billion dollars.
  • Developing international foreign exchange reserves from $44.1 billion at the end of March 2019 to exceed $45 billion at the end of 19/2020, and to cover imports for a period of 8.5 months
  • Reducing the overall deficit in the state’s general budget from 4.8% of GDP in 18/2019 to 2.7% in 19/2020, while reducing the public debt ratio to GDP to 89%, compared to 92% expected in 18/2019
  • Increasing remittances from workers abroad from $25.5 billion at the end of 2019-18 to about $29 billion at the end of 2020/19.
الركيزة: Social Development
  • Reducing the population growth rate from 2.56% in 2017 to 2.3% in 19/2020
  • Reducing the illiteracy rate from about 25.8% (2017 census) to about 24.5% at the end of the year 19/2020
  • Achieving price stability so that the general inflation rate decreases from 13.8% in March 2019 to about 12% in 19/2020
  • Reducing the percentage of the population below the poverty line from 32.5% in 17/2018 to 28% in 19/2020
  • Reducing economic and social disparities between the various regions of the Republic, so that the gap in poverty rates does not exceed 20 percentage points among the governorates
  • Increasing female and youth participation in the labor force to narrow the gender and age gap in unemployment rates.
الركيزة: Urban development and environmental improvement
  • Increasing the area of the Egyptian globe to increase the proportion of the inhabited area from 7% to 10% in the year 19/2020
  • Allocating at least one third of public investments for development and urban development to the governorates of Upper Egypt and the border governorates.
  • Expansion of the establishment of new cities and urban communities to accommodate nearly 10 million people
  • Continue to rationalize energy use, continue environmental development efforts, treat pollutants, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions
  • Expanding the use of clean technology and waste recycling projects at the level of all governorates, within the framework of the concept of green economy and environmentally friendly projects