Development plan 2016-2020 Volume 1: Global content

Plan Type: National Development Plan

Member State: Tunisia

Coverage Period: -

Document Language: Arabic

GOAL 1: No Poverty GOAL 2: Zero Hunger GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being GOAL 4: Quality Education GOAL 5: Gender Equality GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure GOAL 10: Reduced Inequalities GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production GOAL 13: Climate Action Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Development plan 2016-2020 Volume 1: Global content

January 2016

The Development Plan 2016-2020, considered as the first plan of the Second Republic, is part of Tunisia's  new vision set out in the guiding document of the Plan. It paves the way for a new development pattern capable  of stimulating the economic cycle, improving the economic efficiency and profitability indicators and providing resources, thereby upgrading Tunisia's rankings at the economic and social levels.

Pillars & Objectives

Pillar: Good governance, management reform and anti-corruption
  • Establish a national integrity system
  • Uphold governance and prevent corruption
  • Develop the governance of public institutions
  • Enhance management reforms
  • Develop the statistical system
  • Reform the judicial and prison systems
  • Support the security system
  • Develop the military system
Pillar: Transition from a low-cost economy to a global economic hub
  • Raise the potential economic growth
  • Create a more diversified economic fabric with a higher operational capacity
  • Develop the business climate
  • Improve the financial system
  • Develop large-scale private projects
  • Conduct real estate reforms
  • Enhance Tunisian investments in foreign markets
  • Support exports and promote integration into the global economic cycle
  • Improve digital economy as a driver for inclusive development
Pillar: Human development and social inclusion
  • Strengthen integration and coordination between the educational system components
  • Develop activities related to health, education, sports and psychosocial support
  • Reinforce a culture rooted in its authenticity
  • Support sports
  • Develop the role of women, ensure their economic, social and political empowerment, and strengthen the family system
  • Strengthen social protection and inclusion
  • Strengthen social and economic solidarity
  • Achieve the sustainable development goals
Pillar: Mitigation of regional disparities
  • Establish connection and communication between agencies
  • Promote development in regions and increase their attractive qualities
  • Develop and adapt the regional development finance system
  • Improve living conditions at the local and regional levels
  • Develop decentralization and lay the foundations for local and regional governance
Pillar: Development of a green economy
  • Ensure water security
  • Ensure food security
  • Ensure energy security
  • Increase the supply of drinking water in rural areas
  • Increase the renewable energy share in the energy mix
  • Improve the country's energy independence index
  • Reuse purified water
  • Conduct the valuation of household and similar waste