Plan Type: Sectoral Plan

Member State: Sudan

Document Language: English

GOAL 1: No Poverty GOAL 2: Zero Hunger GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Sudan E-Agriculture Strategy and Action Plan (2018-2022)

June 2018

The Sudan E-Agriculture Strategy and Action Plan (2018-2022) focuses on several critical objectives to bolster the agricultural sector and overall economy. Central to this plan is the promotion of crop and livestock exports to shield the economy from potential collapse due to the neglect of agriculture and distortions in agricultural incentives. By enhancing productivity and efficiency at both production and processing stages, the strategy aims to achieve food security and improve nutrition. A key goal is to reduce rural poverty by 50% by 2020, create job opportunities for youth and women, and increase per capita income. Additionally, the plan emphasizes achieving balanced regional economic growth to enhance rural complexes. It also prioritizes the development and protection of natural resources to ensure their renewal and sustainability. Through these comprehensive measures, the strategy seeks to create a resilient and thriving agricultural sector that can support Sudan's economic stability and growth.