Plan National Sècheresse Tunisie

Plan Type: Sectoral Plan

Member State: Tunisia

Document Language: French

GOAL 5: Gender Equality GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure GOAL 10: Reduced Inequalities GOAL 13: Climate Action GOAL 15: Life on Land Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Plan National Sècheresse Tunisie

November 2020

The "Drought Management Plan for Tunisia" focuses on strategies to mitigate the impacts of drought in Tunisia. It aims to improve preparedness, response, and recovery from drought conditions.

Pillars & Objectives

Pillar: Establishing monitoring and early warning systems to anticipate drought events.
  • Developing tools for declaring and announcing droughts.
  • Improving data collection and analysis for better drought monitoring.
  • Enhancing early warning systems to provide timely information.
Pillar: Assessing the impacts, vulnerabilities, and risks associated with droughts.
  • Identifying the impacts and issues caused by drought.
  • Understanding the determinants and underlying causes of sectoral and socio-economic vulnerability, including gender inequalities and discrimination against women and other vulnerable groups.
  • Developing appropriate mitigation and adaptation measures.
Pillar: Defining and implementing intervention and risk mitigation measures.
  • Specifying institutional, technical, and financial mechanisms for implementing the plan.
  • Ensuring equal access for men, women, and vulnerable groups to drought management actions and measures.