Stratégie Nationale de Développement de l'Hydrogène en Algérie

September 2023

Algeria, recognizing the strategic importance of hydrogen for energy transition and security, has developed its National Hydrogen Development Strategy for 2023-2040. This strategy outlines Algeria's commitment to becoming a key player in the production and export of renewable and clean hydrogen, aiming to boost economic growth and environmental sustainability.

Pillars & Objectives

Pillar: Adaptation of a Regulatory, Normative, and Institutional Framework
  • Establish a comprehensive regulatory, normative, and institutional framework governing hydrogen production, storage, transport, and usage to ensure safety, reliability, and sustainability.
Pillar: Human Capital Development
  • Develop a pool of talents and experts in the hydrogen sector through education and training.
Pillar: Industrial Integration and Development
  • Foster an industrial ecosystem for hydrogen production and related equipment manufacturing.
Pillar: Financing Mechanisms and Incentive Measures
  • Provide financial support and incentives for hydrogen projects to ensure economic viability and sustainability.
Pillar: International Cooperation, Technology Transfer, and Technical Assistance
  • Establish strategic partnerships and participate in international alliances to leverage international expertise and technology transfer.
Pillar: Deployment of the Hydrogen Sector
  • Implement pilot and demonstration projects to develop expertise and test technologies, followed by large-scale industrial deployment.