Yemen Multisectoral Nutrition Action Plan (MSNAP) 2020-2023

Plan Type: Sectoral Plan

Member State: Yemen

Document Language: English

GOAL 1: No Poverty GOAL 2: Zero Hunger GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being GOAL 4: Quality Education GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation GOAL 14: Life Below Water Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Yemen Multisectoral Nutrition Action Plan (MSNAP) 2020-2023

March 2020

The "Yemen Multisectoral Nutrition Action Plan (MSNAP) 2020-2023" is a strategic framework developed by the Government of Yemen with the support of international partners. Its main objective is to address and reduce malnutrition through a multisectoral approach, focusing on improving nutrition for children, mothers, and vulnerable populations.

Pillars & Objectives

Pillar: Increase access to and utilization of essential maternal and child health and nutrition services
  • Improved Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices
  • Scaled-up quality and coverage of nutrition-specific services
  • Scaled-up quality and quantity of available nutrition-related health services
Pillar: Increase coordinated nutrition-sensitive action across relevant sectors
  • Increased agricultural productivity, incomes, and quantity/quality of food consumed
  • Increased fish catch, processing, preservation, and consumption
  • Improved access to safe and adequate water and sanitation services, clean environments, and improved hygiene practices
  • Increased support of good nutrition and health of pupils and their families through school-based interventions
Pillar: Strengthen government leadership, national policies, and capacities
  • Strengthened enabling policy and legislative environment for nutrition
  • Strengthened enabling institutional architecture and mechanisms for nutrition